
Advertise and Sponsor

AAPL offers a variety of advertising and sponsorship opportunities that will give your company exposure to industry professionals around the United States and Canada.

Advertise & Sponsor

Distributed to nearly 12,000 readers, AAPL’s bimonthly Landman magazine and the annual Membership Directory reach land management decision-makers at all levels of responsibility.

Interested in advertising on our website? Have a brochure you'd like inserted in the Landman magazine? Check out our Advertising Opportunites to learn more about advertising in an AAPL publication.  Once you have selected your options, download the Advertising Contract and return to AAPL.

AAPL Media Kit
Digital Advertising Opportunities
Landman Magazine Advertising Contract

Energy Institute Sponsorship Packages

Print Options


Trim size: 8 1/8” x 10 7/8” (8.375” x 10.875”)
*Add Bleed size: 1/8” (0.125”) outside of trim on all sides
Note: Only full pages and premium ads are allowed to bleed to the edge. 


All digital color and grayscale artwork should be submitted at 300 dpi. Supported file types include pdf, eps, tiff and jpeg; please submit high-resolution files. Color files should be converted to CMYK mode, and black and white files should be converted to grayscale or bitmap. Files submitted in RBG will be converted to CMYK, resulting in a color shift that may produce different color at print. 

Submitted artwork must be accompanied by screen and printer font files, if not embedded. We prefer postscript Type 1 fonts. Submitted artwork must be accompanied by linked image files as well, if not embedded.

Please note that any submitted artwork that does not meet the specifications detailed here is subject to a $50 adjustment surcharge.

Digital Options

Landman.org Square 
460 x 460 px
Landman.org Skyscraper
460 x 920 px
Email Blast Banner
600 x 220 px


Ad Creation Services

Ad creation services are available to AAPL advertisers. Contact the Publications Department for pricing and details.  



To customize a sponsorship package that best fits your company’s goals, please contact Jennifer Taylor.